My life

Given me direction as I bumped crossroads

Making my heart flutter when I can only see dim lights

Shimmer beyond my dull past

You definitely are worth to wait

For staying was never easy

But who knows better?

When life is as complicated as it is.

My journey may end soon.

But I’m glad…

Because this tiny heart finally know

The essence of what it is to breathe with soul. ❤️

The only regret I have

Starin at the park

Calmin oneself as she breaths

Seein those flowers dry

Watchin that bridge now cannot be crossed

Lookin at the empty court

And sitting alone on bench

While gazing at the trees yet so tall now

Feelin the warmth of the sun

And letting the rays of sun kissed the skin

Memoirs keep gushin

Of the one sitting beside her

The noise of a ball

Playing incessantly in someone’s ear

Only found tears flow

Inside the heart that bleeds from within

If only was brave

Then there might be hope

But still all are bliss

And not meant to stay

For a stronger heart

Is needed

And a stronger love is a must..

Days past.. months past and soon years

Only hope is for it to last soon

And someday when fate allows them to meet

A smile of happiness and acceptance will finally be sought

For it is distance and time that can heal a wounded faith

Deep inside .. she decided to burrow everything

And him showing everyone how he moved on

And livin the life he used to be

But for the girl.. she knows he is not all what he’ve been showing..

But if he is.. she’s prayin that someday…

When he got tired .. he’ll learn how to trust and love someone the way they deserve.

And that’s what the girl only hope for..

It is not bein together rather wishin someone to be blessed beyond..

That the only thing she can do.. to pray and wait til she saw how happy he was ..

And from that time.. She hopes she too will all be fine.

The only regret she has right now..

Is definitely not havin regrets after all..

For past makes her good memories..

Pain maybe the consequences but..

It’s okay.. soon everything will be okay.

Why did you..

Why did you come back?

Those words you told in wide smile

You’re eyes were as happy as before

You seemed so sweet to me sitting beside me

You seemed so proud showing the tattoos you have

Those tattoos with our initials embedded in your body

You seemed to don’t care even if others noticed our closeness

You seemed to miss me alot

And I do too

It was so surreal

That I felt your energy once more

But as I open my eyes

I was saddened

By the fact that

It was just another dream..

Another dream where I desperately wanted to stay..

I hope someday it won’t just be a dream anymore

And I wish we both can stay this time ..

Pierce in the heart

Sitting on cold sand

Watching the moonlight

As it’s reflection glimmers

Beneath the clear sea

Waves gushing like whisper

Snipping through warm skin

Of one’s heart that keeps on longing

For the future to seek for

But impossible to reach

Hope is the last string to hold on

And yet it pierces and pains

But it doesn’t bleed

It just sink and makes one tired

But still waitin

On the same spot

Despite waves changed

Despite cold engulfs

Despite breeze moves

For a faithful heart is stronger than any odds

Only time can weaken

Only time can tell

When one’s body will give

But soul will still remain

If and only if there will be end of that abyss

Then only wish

Is for finally waiting ends

And one’s eyes finally meet the other side..

Love or need

These eyes can’t deny

The truth and lies

Yes I love you

I really do

But at some point

I realize he needs me more than you do

I love you with all my heart

But he needs me badly

That I can’t let my heart be taken away..

I’m sorry to say that

I wished to be with you..

But my hands are tied

From this situation wherein

I wanted to go yet I wanted to stay

For I madly do love you

But I also can’t leave someone who needs me the most…

On love or need there’s no right or wrong..

It’s just like wishin we’ll have our happy fairy tale in another lifetime..

I love you but i have to let you go…

There is no

There is no like you

Even if I search

My path will always

Lead me back

to the one who stoles

My heart ❤️

First Word

WHEN are we going to be together?

WILL you love me now or will it take forever?

I Love you always with all my heart

BE with you and never apart

WITH this poem I have one thing in mind

YOU just have to read the first word in each line..

J. B._2010

Confused yet sure

Worry no more

For there is no future beholds

Crystal clear as it is

The plans of two hearts

Whom shared a decade of love

Only time can tell

If there will be another chance

To re kindle the one

Once believed to last

Deep inside

Only wishing someday

When paths crossed again

Hearts will be brave enough

To choose one another

Against all odds..

Sometimes the best gift you could give to someone is to let them go…

Faith in love is the biggest sacrifice you can make..

Because leaving nothing to yourself for the sake of someone’s future is hard to swallow

Yet fulfilling thing to experience…

How do we get from here?

It was a bliss of excitement

Knowing what each other felt

Yet time is hindrance

For two hearts to blossom

The situation calls to end

The new yet sparkling beginning

Of genuine feelings held for some time

No one dared to ask where to go from

For both are afraid to commit

Not because it’s all a play

Rather not brave enough to follow heart

And suffer more

For it isn’t the right time

For both of them

Looking back on how it begin

How do we get from here?


How do we get out from here?

You’ll end up

You’ll end up again hurting yourself.

You’ll definitely cry again this time

There is no questioning anymore

For these are the consequences of the choice you’ve chosen

It will be painful

And the pain won’t just let go

It will take time to heal again

Until you’ve finally realized

What was not meant won’t meant

Still wondering how can you cope up?

With the thought of loving again deeply

Another wrong person whom you don’t deserve

Just wishing there’s another path to take

To mend again a breaking heart

Maybe someday you’ll find your purpose

And self worth in being free again

Don’t chase love rather love yourself more..

For in time you’ll end up alone again..

Being alone might be the best place

Where you can find peace.

Take time. Soon. You’ll also get over it.

Focus on other things

That will not make you cry and cry again ❤